A unique program of inspirational
music celebrating the Spirit.
Approximately 75 minutes
Venue: Recital Hall, Chapel or Church
Featuring Thomas Bacon with collaborative
pianist, and assisted by a choir of eight horns, every piece on the program is music
inspired by some spiritual or liturgical theme. It is also an interdenominational service
for anyone who wants to celebrate the Spirit through music, and/or just loves the sound of
the French horn.
It includes prelude & postlude, hymns,
prayers, congregational singing, moments of reflection, a message, and all of it is done
with music. Mr. Bacon leads the concert/service, providing informational verbal
introductions to each piece and relevant short inspirational readings, quoting from the
Bible, from great spiritual leaders, and from personal experience. He performs on his
horn, along with pianist and a choir of angels (eight French horns) in different parts of
the program.
It can be presented on a college campus in
the recital or concert hall, or in a chapel or church. Whatever the venue, it must have a
good piano and performing area large enough for piano and horn choir.
The first performance of "Concert of
the Spirit" was April 2, 2003, at the First United Methodist Church in Conway,
Arkansas. View the program here.
What people are
saying about Concert of the Spirit:
Oklahoma Baptist University
on 10/5/04
"The continuity of a typical Protestant worship service provided a comfortable
environment in which to hear - and to be inspired by the music. The horn ensemble added
wonderful sonorities to Mr. Bacon's virtuosic horn playing." Paul Hammond, Dean
of Fine Arts
Hope College - Dimnent
Chapel on 1/21/04
"... fabulous concert ... very powerful, and more spiritual than many church
services that I have been to! Nobody can leave this concert without having been deeply
moved." Roy Keech, retired finance officer
Hope College - Dimnent
Chapel on 1/21/04
"For my students, colleagues and myself, the Concert of the Spirit was
wonderfully inspirational - both musically and spiritually." Thom Working,
French horn Instructor
Concert of the Spirit at the Palau de la Música, Valencia
Spain, July, 2004 |
Hope College - Dimnent
Chapel on 1/21/04
"... a spiritually refreshing service that used music in a way that transcends
the norm. It was an emotionally engaging experience..." Paul Wesselink, Intern
Worship Leader in the Campus Ministries
Hope College - Dimnent
Chapel on 1/21/04
"It touches the heart in more ways than ... it simply fills the heart to
overflowing." Margaret Gage, member of West Michigan Horn Choir
Central United Methodist
Church, Traverse City, Michigan on 1/18/04 --
"We caught a glimpse of the music of heaven." Tamara
Williams, Associate Pastor
Central United Methodist
Church, Traverse City, Michigan on 1/18/04 --
"It was a beautiful religious experience, and it was a beautiful
musical experience." Byron Hanson, pianist
West Texas A&M
University, on 11/1/03
It was an inspirational concert both musically and spiritually! The music and your
comments brought the listeners along on a spiritual journey that left them refreshed and
deeply moved. My horn choir students were excited to be performing with you, and we hope
we can have you here again! Ron Lemon, Horn Professor
West Texas A&M
University, on 11/1/03
The Concert of the Spirit was without a doubt one of the best concerts I have ever
attended. Not only was the music superb, but the content of the program just lifted my
spirit. I came out feeling blessed and nurtured. Kay Lemon, Music Teacher
West Texas A&M
University, on 11/1/03
This concert was a beautiful demonstration of music that truly uplifts the soul. I
found it to be not only a majestic and regal performance, but one that was soothing to
listen to after a long day at work. I was very touched by this concert. Lori
Lemon, student
First United Methodist
Church of Conway, Arkansas, on 4/2/03 --
"The overwhelming response I heard from people here was how much they
appreciated your efforts to make the event a spiritual one. They enjoyed your spoken
comments, and the way you were able to help them interpret the different pieces ... we
were delighted and enthralled by your presentation; from the choice of music and your
interpretation of it, to your very personable introductions to each piece, which allowed
us to feel involved on a spiritual plane even as we sat back in the pew. Many, many thanks
for including us in your itinerary, and for working so hard to make it right for our
situation. It was a real pleasure to meet you, as well as to hear you play, and we would
be honored and delighted to welcome you back any time you are in the area."
Janet Gingerich, Director of Music
First United Methodist
Church of Conway, Arkansas, on 4/2/03 --
"Hosting your new Concert of the Spirit was a real treat for my
horn studio, as well as the community at large. We drew four other universities in the
audience, as well as a crowd of Wednesday-evening church-goers. The program was really
well-conceived, very different than anything we've ever experienced. And my horn ensemble
students were thrilled to get to perform with you! All in all, a great change of pace. I
would recommend this kind of sacred horn program to anyone. Thanks for an inspirational
time!" Brent Shires, Horn Professor

© Thomas Bacon, 2004
All rights reserved